Lesson 1:Knowing Oneself

 Personal Development

Lesson 1:Knowing Oneself(GUIAN)


I consider this lesson ”Knowing oneself” a relatable one. As an adolescent, We should know ourself better than anyone else. In this lesson, it help us to seek ourself, and to know ourself better. To know yourself is your first priority! Knowing and understanding yourself better will make you good at decision making, setting your main goals and make you living more productive life. I consider myself as a process. Because, I didn’t know yet how to socialize with other people and how to know if they’re trusted or not. Because I learn from my past that other people is temporary. So by the time goes by, I learn from my experience. And i use that experience as a lesson.

Why is knowing yourself so important?   

Well, it is so because the knowing and understanding yourself part would help you to make much better decisions, it will improve your decision making habits, in setting and reaching appropriate goals and altogether living more productively and more. You can play many interesting personality tests and evaluations for self-discovery that can help you become more in tune to yourself.

Knowing yourself is definitely beyond knowing your favourite colour or your ideal mate. It is about discovering yourself which will take you days, months or years. But once you do you will either love yourself or hate yourself, either ways it will be a cherishing experience.

Knowing your Strenghts and Weaknesses

Strengths and weaknesses are part of being self-aware. When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can create a development strategy that focuses on your specific development needs.


are the skills and abilities that are easy for you. So when you’re leveraging those skills and abilities you do quite well. Knowing your strengths means you know what activities to engage in that will allow you to shine


are those skills and abilities that don’t come easy to you. When you are using those skills and abilities, you might struggle. Knowing your weaknesses allows you to understand how you can work around them.

Get to know your personality 

Understand your own personality is the first key.You have the collective opinion of others which is the one perfect. The Idea is to get to know your personality inside out, to know what you are and what you are not like. Understand what makes you react a certain way in life's myriad of situtaions. Ask yourself "Why did I do that?"and answer it.


Get to know your core values

Your core values are the morale codes and the principles you hold near and dear to your heart. When I work with my clients, one of the first things I aak prior t, o our couching sessions is a list of their top eight core values; decision making, influencing, conflict resolution, communication, persuading, and living your day to day life. In your work, in your home, in all aspects of ur life, which values can you never compromise? Those are your cire values.

What I have learned

I have learned in the subject personal development that in order to achieve our satisfaction and needs in life we must put love and efforts to anything that we do in order for us to grow mentally and thats the spirit of how we develop ourselves, we also need to maintain our mental health because sometimes we feel pressure and tiredness when we gave our best to what we do, to fight stress that can lead to depression which is known or common in our country.


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